We stopped at Hitchcock before this.  

Do you remember the nice man at the dealer from the last post?  If not, click the link above and start there.  Well the nice man called me back before I could get to Creston and asked me how it was going.  I told him I would try when I got to camp and call him back.  I was only about 30 minutes from Creston at the time.  As it turned out, the steps he asked me to include fixed the problem and the camper leveled just like before.  I told him I was a happy camper.  Having a good dealer is key in the RV lifestyle.  


On our second stop of the journey, we stayed 4 nights at Creston Iowa’s Green Valley State Park.  This is a buddy site with full hookups.  What a nice place to stay.  It was still very cold and very breezy out.  One night we got two inches of rain.  It was a steady hard rain all night long.  Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep that night but it was okay because we had nowhere to be anytime soon.  We normally ride the bike trail around the lake but this year we did not do it.  We did contribute to the dredging project using our fishing lures though.  That was fun.  We need to get a kayak so we can further assist with this project.

For those wondering about working from home, the internet service here was sketchy at best.  I had a hard time just getting any data through using the Verizon Network.  If you camp here consider yourself on PTO.  

Up until the last day and a half, the weather was cold and windy for the most part.  I brought all shorts and 3 pairs of pants.  I found myself shopping for pants while I was here.  I also found myself hauling an empty tank for propane to the local hardware store for a refill.  I really felt like trick or treaters would be by if it lasted much longer.  

I am attaching some photos though.  Most will have captions if you click on them for more detailed information.  Doing this will benefit all the box elder bugs across my yard (none will be harmed if you don’t though).  

Next stop is Lake Rathbun!